My Story
How It All Started
I’m Waymond aka “Wayms”. I consider myself a world traveler with many years of experience as a travel agent, solo traveler, and group trip organizer.
One day I was sitting at my kitchen table planning an international trip when I decided to create Way To Go Travelers. At that moment I realized organizing group travel experiences would be the best way for me to share my travel experiences with others. And as they say, “The rest is history!”
What set’s Way To Go Travelers apart from other group travel companies is that we pride ourselves on providing unforgettable group travel experiences at reasonable prices. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or it’s your first international trip, we have you covered. Book our trip, pack your bags, and get ready for memories to last a lifetime! View our next trip on the Events page or past trips on the Gallery page!
-Picture was taken during a trip to the Iceland while on the Golden Circle-